Saturday 18 April 2020

State of the Garden II

I have concerns about my sweet peas.  I've started collecting seed and kept the seeds in a cool place all winter.  Maybe it should have been in the freezer?  I soaked my sweet pea seed for a good 48 hours and the seeds did seem to swell.  I planted 4 weeks ago and I don't see anything yet.  I have netting over the seed so it isn't the birds or the deer.  I feel discouraged.  I also collected edible pod pea seed which has also not germinated, but it did swell when soaked.  Hmmm.  The Green Arrow seed that I bought has germinated and is looking good.  I do want to become a seed collector and I had fabulous production last year with the edible pod peas.  I know the seed was well dried. 

Two tulips managed to escape the deer damage - this is the first time I've seen the tulips and I can't remember when I planted them - I've been away for so many spring bloomings that I have never seen them.  You can see that the wire is there for protection.  One little joy is the hepatica that my sister gave me years ago.  I thought that I had lost it, too, but I see it has self-seeded through the garden and tiny blooms are showing in rather obscure spots.  I gather that it doesn't like a fuss.


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