Wednesday 8 April 2020

Spring Gardening I

This week we've got spring and it was so good to get up to a snow-free Kaslo Community Garden yesterday.     I planted 5 rows of  onion sets and starts. If these are successful I plan to "give a row" to our local food hub.   I hope that the water gets turned on there soon because I may need to water if the weather continues.  

On the Pine Ridge estate just south of Kaslo it looks as if the garlic are recovering from the mule deer who keeps leaping the fence.  Dave raised the wire by placing blocks of wood under it and that seems to be doing the trick.  There's a few blooms here and there but many spring bulbs have been victims of hungry deer.  We had a lot of snow this winter and it's been slow to melt so the deer are really keeping an eye out.  I've placed netting over most of the raised beds.  The lettuce, spinach, green onions, kale and peas are planted.  Now we wait!

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