Sunday 10 October 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my favourite Canadian holiday because harvest is so very special. This year, unfortunately, it hasn't been much of a harvest. The tomatoes I brought in have largely rotted from the inside; those tomatoes outside are doing the same thing on the vine. We did manage to put a few bags of apples into the freezer (apples pilfered from roadside trees) and a friend gave me a box of plums which allowed me to do 7 quarts for the winter. I think I had 5 or 6 cucumbers that managed to mature, we've had some zuccini and last week I harvested 7 Hubbard squash. That will be part of our feast tonight. A thing to celebrate this year - Thanksgiving with my parents, one of my sister's and her family, our daughter and son-in-law. Give thanks for what we do have!

1 comment:

Andrew McKinlay said...

Not being gardeners, we make do with the wonderful assortment of produce at the farmers market this time of the year. Especially since the pickings will get much slimmer very soon.