Sunday 23 March 2008

Raising the Bar

Last year I wrote about the necessity of having two wheel barrows at our property. This week, I discovered we're pretty much in need of two "bars" (the tool pictured). We received the bar from my brother-in-law who has good knowledge about essential tools in rural B.C. This is our hole digger, rock lifter, rock mover, and shed mover. This past week, Dave was busy moving our wood shed and I was busy creating a new garden and that requires "derocking" the area. I needed the bar to pick out the big rocks and Dave needed it as a lever for the shed - I think we need another bar soon.
This is a pretty frightful picture but I tried cropping it and it didn't seem to want to upload. The things I need to learn about blogs! However, you can see we still have a lot of snow to get rid of before real gardening can begin.

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