Tuesday 26 February 2008

Anglicanism and the LHA

I just went to my first Anglican funeral and I have to admit that I rather liked the formality and pagentry involved. Three individuals in full robes entered the lovely St. Mark's Anglican church in Kaslo and the service made use of the Book of Common Prayer. That sure carries a lot of historic weight, I must say! The woman who died was a very faithful Anglican and her life's work was really connected to the church. She wanted a celebration of her faith and not her life. We couldn't really feel sad about her death - she was 92 and had enjoyed her life to the fullest. I'd have liked a little more eulogy and less prayer and hymn singing, but I must say that I did enjoy watching the ritual, particularly the folding of the cloth at the end of Communion. Yes, the service included a full Communion service. Lots of standing and an interesting experience for a pagan like me.

I also worked with the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary to help out with the "lunch" after the funeral. This was my first time working with this group. There are people who keep their hand on the teapot through the entire reception because that is "their" job. There were so many women hanging out in the kitchen with a tea towel in hand I went out to chat up the mourners which was probably much more fun. However, I did pay my dues. Near the end, when most of the other workers had left or were leaving I'm stacking chairs, putting away tables sweeping and washing the floor and I didn't ask if the bathroom needed to be cleaned. Want to call me Cinderella?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well an anglican funeral and helping the ladies with the tea? That is an amazing combination of experiences in one day. You go girl!