Friday 27 November 2009

Laundry Revolt

This may sound like an unusual post for a blog with a name like The Clothesline. Have you ever felt that your laundry was out for murder?? That’s how I felt this p.m. as I attempted to hang clothes at Kaka Point, South Island, NZ. The wind was so strong that sleeves and legs made steady assaults on my person – I really did feel that the laundry was out to “get me”. I’ve got to say something for NZ pegs, however – they work in a strong wind much better than anything I’ve ever seen in Canada. Plan to bring a few back as a souvenir from my trip. Gotta love these campgrounds with laundry facilities, which always include a clothesline, of course. Even our campervan came equipped with a clothesline and about 20 pegs – gotta love NZ laundry.

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