Here's the view the twins got from Room one. It was really a tiny room and we were hot and somewhat uncomfortable with 2 grandpas, 2 parents, 1 grandma and the TWINS! That was day one. I hope they picked up on all the graffitti out the window because I do want these guys to be readers AND writers. The local high school is located next door to the hospital so you can see how the students spend their free time - at least all of it is "clean"! Mum and Dad got moved to a big room on Friday morning and it is way more comfortable. We now get the view of the Trail Teck smelter!! However, with the leaves on the trees, the changing colours and a peak at the Columbia River, it is actually a really nice view with west exposure. I've been showing the babes the polluted world that they will help to clean up and the river that we'll canoe in a few years.
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