Sunrise at 6:45a.m. today was glorious. The fog that I could see below me did reach Happy Valley by 8 a.m. when I left the house. It took until 11 a.m. to start clearing in "upper" Rossland. It's day 2 of grandmothering/housekeeping and it's been fun. I do feel tired at the end of the day. The babes have enjoyed their time in the big double stroller and today I took them over to the "other" house and harvested carrots, beets and potatoes while they slept. I didn't go running today, but pushing the stroller up some of those steep inclines in Rossland makes up for it! Not sure if I'll be able to do that when they weigh 10 kg each! We've managed to dry laundry a couple of times on the new clothesline and this could be the beginning of "routine" - who knows? I had a couple of cats hanging around the stroller over at the other house and remember all the tales I heard as a child about cats and babies - is any of that true?
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