Wednesday, 28 December 2011
December Sunrises
Monday, 26 December 2011
The Kindness of Strangers
Just back from our "family day" in Grand Forks and it really did work perfectly. The weather remained moisture-free and we had good roads for travel. My sister and her son brought my parents to a home in Grand Forks and the ADAM family and Dave and I travelled to Grand Forks to meet them at the same home. Thank you to Terry and Liz for being the "strangers" who provided us with a home. My parents were able to meet their new grandsons so we had some 4 generation pictures, a nice walk on the outskirts of Grand Forks and a chance for a Christmas visit. Terry and Liz don't know us and it was a "chance" conversation at a bridge tournament in Genelle that brought this home into our use. They are "strangers" who have no fear about welcoming anyone and are open-hearted enough to simply offer the best part of themselves. We could all learn something from the Terry and Liz type people of the world.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Misty Mornings
Monday, 28 November 2011
Roaming Around Rossland
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Doing Diapers
Sunday, 20 November 2011
First Ski
I managed to get out cross-country skiing today at the local spot - Black Jack. It's got lots of very fine groomed trails - not everything is open yet, but the loops that I find easy to do were all open. Conditions were excellent for Nov. 20, but still encountered a few rocks here and there on the trail. After my ski, I took over the twins so A & D could get out for a couple of hours. The twins and I had a fine walk around town with light snow falling. A & D enjoyed their hike up Red Mountain and the trip down. Andrea is really excited to be out and about and given the go ahead to exercise once again! Atley was certainly ready for her to get home, however!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
First Snowshoe
Friday, 18 November 2011
We've Got Snow!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Friday, 4 November 2011
Joys of Grandparenting
Tonight, Dave and I really got to know all about the joys of grandparenting! We stayed for supper with A & D and for the first time were able to watch bath time! Atley enjoyed it and Miro didn't. When we left their house both boys were crying lustily and we got to walk away! Oh, the joys of grandparenting.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
It's Here!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Unusual Baby Gift
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Heading for Old Glory
A beautiful day in southern B.C. (at least to start) and of course I forgot my camera!! The views towards Old Glory were good, although somewhat hazy in every other direction. I hiked up to Record Ridge in about an hour over an excellent trail with plenty of frost on it. The ridge walk is gorgeous with Old Glory straight ahead. Views to the south (WA state) are super. By the time I got to the split in the trail I'd pretty much decided I wasn't going to hike Old Glory - snow up top, it was windy and I really didn't bring the best gear for cold and wind. Also, I had no gaiters with me. I chose, instead, to head over to Plewman Peak and then down the Plewman Trail. Lots of variety on that one, but snow-covered for the top third of it. A really nice circuit back to the car and it took me 4 hours! Very pleased to have passed a couple of hikers on the uphill who were at least 20 years younger!! The running and pushing the stroller must be helping my fitness level.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Cinderella Complex
Friday a.m. I started my "work" by making turkey soup but I had to go outside and clean vegetables that I'd picked out of the garden on Wednesday. I did feel like the scullery maid out there - misty wet weather and scubbing in the garden! The soup turned out okay. I did a few loads of laundry (not a big chore to someone like me with a blog called The Clothesline), cleaned the bathrooms, washed floors and did a wee bit of vacuuming. The best part was taking the boys out for a long a.m. walk along Centennial Trail past the Rossland Reservoir. They slept the true sleep of babes. When I got back an unusual birthing present was given (a planned future post) and I learned that I'm feeling I have a bit of a Cinderella Complex over my new role!
Friday, 21 October 2011
Valley View
Misty and foggy this a.m. as I head out to the babes. It can really settle into this valley I've noticed. Yesterday, had an a.m. walk with the boys (Miro crying through half of it - even running with the stroller didn't help) in mist and fog, but I'm getting my exercise heading up the steep hills of Rossland with the stroller. Not sure if I'll be able to do this when they both start weighing 10 kg. or so. Had them to see the Kiwi pediatrician and Atley (the big one) has gained half a pound. Miro is just a few ounces more and is a slower eater. He's the family "baby" as we call him. Got to yoga last night - a good work out and the walk home in the dark wasn't totally scary - I blew my whistle and had my headlamp.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Morning Sunrise
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
More Twins!
Monday, 10 October 2011
They're Home!
Sunday, 9 October 2011
The Room With the Other View
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Room With A Literacy (?) View
Thursday, 6 October 2011
They're Here!
Happy to announce that I am now a grandparent. Baby boys born on October 5th (the most common day for birthdays, I understand!) at 5 p.m. Today I spent a good part of the day with them both while Dad went home to sleep for awhile. Lots of fun to hold those babes and watch the differences in their personalities (yes, already!). Nothing better than holding a babe and relaxing!
Friday, 30 September 2011
Summer Screens
Dave took the screen doors off today and that always makes me feel a bit sad. I love the sound of the door slamming closed - it has such a summer sound to it. I cleaned up the gardens at the hospital grounds and brought home the pots. Today we made a quick trip out to the local nursery and picked up a couple of plants. I closed down one of the water gardens and pulled up a few more plants out of the garden that aren't producing well. We're actually ready for those grandchildren to be born .... now if only they'd get at it!
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Signs of Fall
Friday, 23 September 2011
It Takes A Village!
The library has been moving back to our "old" location in the 1898 City Hall building. The renos included the installation of a sprinkler system (won't that be good for a library if it goes off unnecessarily?), a geothermal heating system, new wiring, and a somewhat raised ceiling. We started the work last Friday by having a cleaning crew come in to wash all the shelving, clean the bathroom (a new one), and to start putting things away. Last weekend, volunteer crews came in to pack books at the temporary location. That went so well that Monday we were able to cancel the work party. Tuesday, the grade 7 class helped us move our things from their storage location (this was half of our collection, packed into boxes since January) and they did a superb job. Everything was placed into our permanent location and it was colour-coded for location. Wednesday and Thursday, we had volunteers shelving materials from all the boxes. We all worked like stink. It got done. Saturday we plan to be open! Let's hope that the internet gods and goddesses continue to bless us. Our librarian, Eva, is a master of moves!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Fall Planting
We had rain in the forecast so yesterday I got busy in the garden and planted the garlic. We doubled the amount we planted this year. Garlic was a super crop for us this year, but I know it won't "see us through" until next season. I also got a few shrubs planted that were generously given to me by my sister in Summerland. Guess what? It didn't rain!
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Yahoos and Moonlight
Monday was the full moon and we had a calm and quiet Kootenay Lake that afternoon. We decided to go "out" for supper and headed across the lake to Powder Falls with all the fixings for a wiener roast and a few beer. Luckily for us, someone just pulled out of the area before we arrived. We had a very nice couple of hours and then headed out at 7 p.m. It's now getting dark at 8 p.m. so we went for a short paddle south on the lake before heading across. It was absolutely magnificent with the reflections. Unfortunately, we had a constant humming in the background as a couple of yahoos followed us and were attempting to come close, but would veer off and head back towards Kaslo. This behaviour was repeated 3 times. As we got close to Garland Bay (directly across from our place), they seem to have given up their hollering and following and we made the sprint for the 30 minute canoe paddle across the lake. The full moon appeared and it was all good! Those moons bring out the madness in all of us.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Go Figure
We just came back from a short trip Stateside while this gorgeous summer weather continues. We understand that America is broke. The day after Labour Day it appears that camping in the national forests of two states has become free! In Washington, we were able to get free trail guides and maps of Colville National Forest. In Idaho, conditions were much the same, although we didn't obtain free literature. Its should be reassuring to see that things haven't changed a bit - "everything's free in America" - but we all know that it isn't true.
We did enjoy the great weather, some nice biking along Sullivan Lake and a new trail into Copper Falls, ID about 1.6 km south of the border. We also enjoyed cheaper prices on many things. I'll confess that my first items of purchase were beer, taco chips and salsa. We loved going out for lunch for less than $30.00 and that includes beer, tax and tip. On our return into Canada, the customs agent asked us how long we'd been in the U.S., if we had any alcohol or tobacco on board, and then said she had to deal with a wasp and waved us on. Free camping and fearful customs officers - go figure!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Hiking 2011: Healy Creek area
Monday, 29 August 2011
Pulling Up Stakes
I emptied the garden of pea stakes this p.m. and it was with some regret. We had wonderful peas this year and they just kept on producing until about a week ago. However, I have to recognize that we put the stakes up about a day after the snow left the garden and I planted the peas on March 28th, the day before we left to catch our flight to Britain. Five months of support ain't bad! A weird thing that happened this year was that the sweet pea seed that I purchased (mixed variety) came up with only TWO colours - light and dark purple, so I just wasn't getting my usual fix with sweet peas. I do have another small trellis with sweet peas where I can get my daily sniff for the month of September. I always feel that the pea stakes are the beginning and the end of garden season, but we've still got a long way to go before there are ripe tomatoes. The squash are maturing and getting bigger. There are a few ripening tomatoes. Green pepper is doing well and I've tried leeks for the first time this year and it looks like a good year for leek and potato soup.
Summer Bears
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Mission Accomplished in 2011
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Games Over!
Sue and I finished out of the medals in the C section of our competition, but did manage a 4th place (in C section) and ended up as the top finisher from our Zone, which was Zone 6, representing Trail/Nelson/Castlegar area. After the first two rounds we were doing well and held our own through the third session on Friday a.m. Friday p.m. was a very tough round and we dropped rapidly. This morning we had a very competetive game and played quite well. I wore my Queen and Jack of Spades earrings and with Sue staring at those she had great card luck. We bid and made one slam and had a couple of other great bids. It wasn't enough to place us in the medals. I was pleased that the day I got good cards and played as declarer 9 times we had a good score. In the end, we finished 10/29 so we were fairly pleased. It was a fun event and we didn't complain at all about being immersed in cards inside a school on these brilliant sunny days. Next time, I hope the venue is a lakeside open deck!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
All the Excitement!
I know that you're all waiting with bated breath to hear the results from the B.C. Seniors Games! We had our first day of bridge competition and had a rather ho-hum start in the a.m., coming in about 8th out of 13 teams sitting East/West. In the p.m. we managed to get a 2nd place so I think we're doing okay so far. We compete again tomorrow and than on Saturday a.m. Sue and I are enjoying playing teams from different parts of the province and we just LOVE playing this game!
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Hiking 2011: Alps Alturas
Hiking 2011: Finally!!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Britain 2011: Scottish Parliament
Britain 2011: The Election
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Britain 2011: The Clotheslines
Friday, 24 June 2011
Sumer 2011: Myra Canyon
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Britain 2011: Readers
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