Sunday, 24 November 2024

Fall Gardening

 It's been a long fall and I can actually still garden, I notice.  We did get snow on Wednesday and it covered the ground but I have geraniums still blooming and I have yet to bring  my potted dahlias indoors.  These capers were harvested on November 6th.  I cannot  ever remember picking seeds on the 6th of November.  


Meanwhile, in the mountains of the Rossland Range there is plenty of snow and I have already been skiing 4 times.  Last year, we did not have this much snow until January. The strange behaviour of the weather is all part of climate change, I guess!  

eanwhile, up in the mountains of the Rossland Range, there is plenty of snow.  I've already been up to ski 4 times this year.  I think we can attribute all these strange weather behaviours to climate change!  

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