Saturday 14 September 2024

Harvest Days

 Harvest Days

I can hardly believe it, but we've managed to get most of our fruit safely into the house this season with very little damage from all the animals who share our space.  We have had a small black bear turn up a couple of times and he/she took a considerable number of grapes.  We had purchased these grapes as "seedless" and they didn't turn out to be, so we don't really mind losing some grapes.  

The apple harvest is featured in the photo above.  It was small this year, compared with last year, but there are plenty of trees around that want picking and we have been able to obtain more "eating" apples from a friend or two.  Thanks to Tammy who got us started with the "transparents" which are now frozen,  awaiting a pie plate!  Our peach crop was extremely plentiful and we gave away quite a few and made lots of frozen and canned peaches.  The Damson plum produced well, as it normally does, and we have lots of it canned or made into other things.  I gave a considerable amount of them away to a woman who is promising me some fruit leather in the future.  Mmmm.  

This is always my very favourite time of year.  I love harvesting....oops, there goes the timer on the stove - time to get the salsa into the jars for the upcoming water bath!

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