Father's Day is the traditional day for the annual Slocan Valley Garden Tour. For the first time I attended, along with 3 other women from the Kaslo area. We couldn't have asked for better weather and the gardens were an interesting combination of food, perennials, water gardens and greenhouse/commercial market gardening. The Slocan Valley does seem to be hotter than our valley and everything is slightly ahead of the Kootenay Valley. The garden pictured here is at Valhalla Ranch, right on Highway 6, south of Slocan City. It was enormous and so well weeded. I admired the religiously straight rows (some thing that I can never achieve no matter how short). These folks had chickens, cattle, horses, huge gardens and bees. They are making a living (?) the hard way and thankfully there are still a few people left who are willing to work that hard. They had a gorgeous view of the Vahallas across the Slocan River. Quite a slice of paradise.
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