I mentioned in my last post that NM had the best skies we saw while on holiday. At Guadalupe NP in TX we had incredible sunsets and sunrises as well - and it's located on the TX/NM border. As a prairie girl, I love big skies. While camping just south of Alamagordo, the campground host invited us over to look at things through his telescope. The full moon for January was fast approaching so it was a fairly "light" sky, plus we were in the USA which has a lot of "city lights" although we were in a pretty remote area. I did get to see the Orion nebula and three moons of Jupiter. The moon itself looked pretty spectacular. Earlier in the day, we'd seen the Imax film,
Hubble, at the Space Center in Alamagordo. I really liked it and found the story of repair to the telescope a fascinating one. Looking at the Orion nebula on that film was strangely reassuring to me. We're all just part of this huge, swirling mass and it's endless and timeless.
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