Bet you readers figured this was a picture of Dennis Basin - wrong! It's actually Alps Alturas on a very beautiful blue sky day. The trail to AA starts on the left hand side of the picture from the cutblock and heads up to slightly below the snowline in the picture. On Thursday, because it looked as if it was going to be the only gorgeous day in the week, we headed up to Dennis Basin, across from AA. I had seen these ridges on Monday and wanted to explore. Thursday gave us the opportunity. We hiked a good trail to a pass, then the trail ended and it was pretty much figure out where to go. You can see that we got great views across to AA. We walked along one ridge, had to climb a very steep hill to get onto another ridge and a high point, and then came back to the 'basin' and to our truck. There had been heavy frost that night and no huckleberries grew on the plants. It was an outstanding hike and another perfect mountain day. The weather remained beautiful for the next two days!
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