Yesterday, we successfully climbed Mt. Loki, the tallest peak in our part of the valley. I'm not actually sure what the elevation is, but it did seem like a pretty long hike after we finally got down. Loki is named for the Norse God of Mischief and I'd have to say this god was pretty quiet yesterday. We had perfect conditions - sunny, but cool, with clouds hitting all the peaks around us on the way up. At the summit, everything was clear - not sure what direction this picture is but it's pretty much just peaks everywhere!! I didn't find the climb too difficult, although I did carry along a rope and harness because I'd heard there were a couple of "scary" bits. I felt good all the way up - the coolish temperatures helped a lot. The descent was tiresome; my knees were really feeling it ALL the way down, and the end did seem elusive. However, I feel great today so I guess I must be in some sort of condition. We're getting off and on spotty rain today, so we peaked at the right time!
See?? Not so hard, was it?? Good job!
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