One thing that we've really wanted to get done is finish our deck. Actually, I was the one that was pushing for this because I want to get some garden beds established in the sunniest part of the entire property. It's ended up being a rather cumbersome task and we've had to work some pretty odd angles. My contribution to this whole enterprise was digging the holes for the cement posts. This is no easy job because the soil out here is VERY rocky. It was a real treat to hit bedrock after a foot of digging because then I knew that I could quit! That only happened a couple of times and in total I've dug twelve posts between 2 and 3 feet deep. We needed 4 posts for this last phase of the deck. Next, I'll get to dig posts for the gate and our garden shed. I have to say it's been much easier using a long metal bar for digging - it's a bit like churning butter - or what I've imagined churning butter is like. After enough soil has been chipped away, it's dug out with a trowel or an old tin can and then the whole process is repeated. Aren't I learning a lot of new skills?
1 comment:
Hi from the prairies. You must be building some good muscles with your wood splitting and post hole digging. So glad that you are loving your new lifestyle.
Take care. Gayla
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