Tuesday, 11 February 2025


 The theme song segment on Daybreak South (my current favourite CBC radio program) is CanCon for this week.  I had to remind myself via google when CanCon became a "thing" on the radio and I do remember it.  I was a bit disgusted because at the time I was living in Nova Scotia and listening to a lot of American radio that played all the rock and roll hits.  It was 1971 when CBC was "ordered" to include 35% CanCon.  1971 was also the year that I rediscovered CBC radio.  I had been raised in a "CBC family" and as a teen I was genuinely annoyed that it didn't play any Beatles music, etc.  As a university student in 1971, I became aware of This Country in the Morning,  and in the evening,  As It Happens.  I felt that I had discovered the world. I remember arguing with one of my profs (later President of Acadia University) that I was learning more by listening to the CBC than I was attending classes.  He was taken aback!

I think that CanCon was an excellent decision in Canada.  Listeners were "forced" to listen to Canadian composers and singers and the system worked. The content had to be 35%  Canadian of all content played.  That rule remains in place, according to google (if we can believe any of what it tells us!).  We discovered the talent that we had (have)  in Canada.  It's never looked back.  Thank you, CBC.

I'm still an avid CBC listener (won't listen to anything else, really) and have been throughout my adult life.  One thing that I like about listening in the Kootenays is that there isn't a lot of radio competition so almost everyone in my age group is listening to CBC.  It provides plenty of discussion points.  Thank you, CBC.  I'm glad that my daughter listens to CBC but she is the only one of my parents' grandchildren who is a listener.  I do hope that the CBC can survive the next election because I'd like to remain a listener until the end of my time!

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

BC Highways: Changes Needed in Transportation

The Kootenay Lake Ferry strike is going into its FOURTH month and service has not been restored, except for 2 ferry crossings each day.  This is becoming a hardship as the snow falls on Kootenay Pass.  And I am positive that it is an absolute nightmare for the employees who are losing so much income.  

We experienced the hardship involved on Dec. 28th when we decided to travel from Trail to Cranbrook in mid-afternoon.  We did see the sign that indicated the pass was closed and we checked online and it was to open at 4 pm.  We decided to continue our travel.  We were stopped by the traffic about 1 km from the summit.  It was snowing heavily and the temperature was 0 degrees C.  We waited and 4 o'clock arrived.  The Pass did not open.  An hour later,  traffic travelling west was allowed to begin.  By this time we knew that we'd have difficulty with our camper van getting started on an icy hill with no momentum.  Dave shoveled beneath the wheels and asked the snow plow truck to leave us a bit of gravel.  The driver did do this but by the time we could begin, it was to no avail.  We simply could not get started on the incline under those icy conditions.  Our only option was to turn around, which we did and it was no problem to go downhill, although we travelled gingerly because of the icy roads.  At 7 pm we arrived at the Kootenay Lake ferry terminal.  I was able to talk with the strikers and a ferry was going to leave at 9:40 that night.  We took it.  We stayed in our camper van overnight near Creston and 17 hours after leaving Trail, we made it to Creston on Sunday morning.  The usual time is about 2 hours.  

Last Friday we had a major snowstorm in the Koots and once again, the Pass was closed and the ferry remains on strike.  I have written to my MLA in Nelson and negotiations, as far as I know,  have not recommenced.  This is a huge inconvenience and danger for  people  needing to travel to and avoid the Pass.  Winter conditions close Kootenay Pass regularly and the last thing we need is a ferry strike through this season.  At least the roads are somewhat safer in the summer!  I sincerely encourage the BC government to send these employees back to work for the many people affected by the strike and the dangerous driving conditions.