Monday, 10 December 2012
Disappointing Results
Just had a cooking failure. I've generally liked the cookbook, The Best of the Best put out by the Best of Bridge women. As a bridge player, I've often used their recipes. I recognize that the recipes are rather old-fashioned and depend on store-bought cans and jars for completion, rather than cooking from "real" ingredients. However, when it comes to baking and specialties it's pretty darn good. Last year I tried out some new Christmas recipes and was very satisfied. This year, I tried the Jewish Shortbread which I don't like as well as my old recipe for "sandies", although it's pretty good - very similar. I prefer pecans to walnuts, I guess. The ginger snap recipe was no better than any other one I've tried. Today, however, I tried the Chocolate Rum Cookies and it was a total failure. I used a lot of bitter chocolate and 1/4 cup of rum for expensive ingredients. The stuff was crumbly and wouldn't hold together. Chilling didn't help matters and neither did baking. This is something we'll eat with a spoon. I've saved all the crumbs and put them in the freezer to throw over ice cream! I'm pleased that I used the Baker's chocolate I purchased in the US which is half the price we pay in Canada. Maybe that's the reason for the failure. Anyway, not getting too far with baking special things this year - generally it's been disappointing results.
First Ski
Yesterday I travelled up to Retallack to try some cross-country skiing. The snow is in excellent condition! The new bridge over the creek at the summit is a welcome addition. Before, we used to have to travel out to the highway and walk over the highway bridge, often removing the skis for the 20 m trek to the other side and good snow once again. Now we have a bridge put in by industrious trail workers. Thank you to them. It's a winter wonderland at the summit of the pass between Kaslo and New Denver. Kaslo, today, is becoming part of that wonderland.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
December Garden
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Rossland A & M
We've now completed 4 Fridays looking after Atley and Miro. What a delightful way to spend a day!! It's been very helpful to have Dave with me as the boys are crazy about him (especially Atley) and he is very good at amusing them if the grilled cheese sandwiches are taking longer than planned. Andrea leaves for work at 8 a.m. and we usually have them back in bed by 9 a.m. Depending on the conditions of health, sleeping time, etc. we have the choice of attending story time at the library or going for a walk. I like to opt for the walk on pleasant days, but our single time attendance at story time was very successful. We are back at home for lunch and then it's play time for an hour or two. The boys seem happiest at this time of day - they play very happily on their own or with our participation and have a few minutes of bouncing time on Mum and Dad's bed. By mid-afternoon it's time for another nap. This could change very soon, I think. Owly time seems to be after waking up in the p.m. and so far, grapes have worked very well at improving everyone's humour. Dad is home by 4:30 and there are two very happy boys waiting for him. As soon as Mum arrives home, the boys immediately start signing for milk. This, so far, is a typical day in Rossland with Atley and Miro and their grandparents.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Remembrance Day
I attended a Remembrance Day ceremony for the first time in many years, although it's not a foreign occasion to me because I organized so many assemblies on the subject in Saskatoon. Yesterday, we had good weather for the event although probably the smartest thing I did was make sure that I wore long underwear because I knew we'd be standing near our breezy lake. The laying of the wreaths took longer than I anticipated. The views to the Purcells were spectacular. We then marched back to the Legion Hall and that's the first time I've been in the building for a "formal" presentation. The choir that I attend sang a couple of numbers; I think we were passable, but have sung the selections better in rehearsal. It was a bit reassuring to see so many young people in attendance because I often wonder what the future of this day holds with my parents' generation, who participated in WWII, now in their 80's and 90's.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
First Frost
Out this a.m. with the first actual killing frost in our domain. I'd decided to empty the last of the deck pots yesterday because the weather was suitable for the activity and I knew frost would be coming soon. It sure looks empty out there. A couple of colourful stellar's jays are enjoying time at the feeder so that does help to fill a void. One great thing about late fall is that yesterday I planted some sweet peas, :) hoping they will be ready to grow in very early spring - last year several had self-seeded in the garden so what will happen when I do this with intent?? Thrilling to be gardening on November 7th! Felt pretty cold at the beginning of today's run.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Hard to believe that a week of November is pretty much over and since it's a month that I don't particularly like, that's a good thing. We had perfect weather on Monday, however - sun, no wind and a high of 15 degrees. I also got a tip on the location of some wonderfully semi-composted leaves so we moved many to our bins. The time change is what really hurts November; we're dark here by 4:45!
October 31st was a miserable day weather-wise as I recall and Callie had to miss her first Hallowe'en because Sandy has completely taken over events in their part of the world. It was a good thing we skyped with her a few hours prior to Sandy's arrival because they haven't had power since and it is going on to day 9 now! No monsters, witches or dragons graced our doorstep (a typical Hallowe'en in our neighbourhood) and I thought to myself the next morning that I sort of miss it. As it a former teacher, it surprises me to be saying that because I'd had too much Hallowe'en by half partway through my career in the classroom.
Completely relieved and delighted that Obama was re-elected! I watched many more hours than planned.
Things might be in enough of a schedule for us to make our weekly commitments to Miro and Atley. Loved our day with them last Friday and their Grandpa so much enjoyed giving them their first doses of penicillin.
Totally agree with all who think it is too early for Christmas music. Nothing before December, please.
Had the best bridge hands I've EVER had yesterday; didn't play them as well as necessary, but a fun day at the tables.
October 31st was a miserable day weather-wise as I recall and Callie had to miss her first Hallowe'en because Sandy has completely taken over events in their part of the world. It was a good thing we skyped with her a few hours prior to Sandy's arrival because they haven't had power since and it is going on to day 9 now! No monsters, witches or dragons graced our doorstep (a typical Hallowe'en in our neighbourhood) and I thought to myself the next morning that I sort of miss it. As it a former teacher, it surprises me to be saying that because I'd had too much Hallowe'en by half partway through my career in the classroom.
Completely relieved and delighted that Obama was re-elected! I watched many more hours than planned.
Things might be in enough of a schedule for us to make our weekly commitments to Miro and Atley. Loved our day with them last Friday and their Grandpa so much enjoyed giving them their first doses of penicillin.
Totally agree with all who think it is too early for Christmas music. Nothing before December, please.
Had the best bridge hands I've EVER had yesterday; didn't play them as well as necessary, but a fun day at the tables.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Common Sense
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Monday, 8 October 2012
Paulson-Castlegar Bike Trip

On Saturday, Dave and I finally accomplished one of our trip goals for 2012 and biked from Paulson Summit over to Castlegar. The weather was perfect, although cool, and we spent a good deal of time in the shade. It took us about an hour to reach the summit on the old rails to trails and from then on it was completely downhill. The "long" tunnel was exciting - we needed headlamps and still had to walk it. It's about 1 km long and it's wet and DARK! After turning the corner and descending above Arrow Lake, we had 2 more short tunnels and 3 trestle bridges to cross. It's an interesting bike ride (passing the bomb site that killed Peter Veregin of the Doukhobors) and very easy. The trip is 60 km long and took us about 5 hours. My only complaint would be the traffic! We were surprised to see a few cars travelling the old rail grade and met up with several ATVs. I'd like to think that our rails-to-trails are completely free of mechanized travel.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
It's Autumn!
Friday, 28 September 2012
Long Shadows
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Conquering Carlyle Col
Yesterday I finally managed to get up to Carlyle Col, an objective I've had for quite awhile. We can see Mt. Carlyle every time we come up the hill from Kaslo towards home. I knew this was a peak that I probably wouldn't climb because it has lots of big blocky rocks at the top and I'm not very sure-footed. We took the Subarau through the old mining towns of Sandon and Cody and managed to drive another 4 km up the road. We then hiked for a good hour up the Carpenter Creek FS Road. From there, the trail enters the woods and it's a lovely subalpine stroll and not too steep. The rocky bit arrives and it's a trail over an old mining road and is very easy. The view at the top is tremendous and would be even better from the summit. The alpine flowers were still pretty good considering it was the last day of August. A very worthwhile hike and thanks to Dave for getting me up there.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Beginning Bikers
Atley and Miro are having their first bike trips these days - here they are in Rossland in front of home. They love the bike trailer, just as they loved the ski trailer. All the adults love the Chariot. It's very versatile and has given us all so much pleasure. Nice to know that it's a Canadian product.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Summitting Old Glory
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
The Laundry
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Heading to Idaho Peak
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Rethinking Hemerocallis
Monday, 6 August 2012
When Summer Came to Canada
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Back to Yoga
It felt so good to go to yoga today. Thanks to Katelyn for being such a fine teacher! I have been neglecting yoga for the past several months and I've been concentrating on running and cardio stuff for the past 4 months. When the Olympics started, I found myself watching TV and doing some stretching - my body really needs it! It's even more important now that I'm becoming a runner; yoga offers so much to the body!
Sunday, 29 July 2012
A Few Days at Kokanee Cabin
Friday, 20 July 2012
State of the Garden
It's weird to be picking strawberries, raspberries and blueberries at the same time, but I guess those strawberries had to wait for the warmth to arrive and this year that didn't happen until July 4th. Happy Gardening Season, all!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
The Matrix
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Out Bikin'

Sunday, 1 July 2012
July 1st Run
Just completed Kaslo's Canada Day Run and managed to do the 10 km. My time was better than Spokane, but had an easier trail and one that I know because we run it pretty regularly. Time today was 65:51 and I felt pretty good on it except for about 2 km. Had a session with our coach yesterday and I just might be starting to figure out this posture thing. It feels so much better if I actually stand up. I thought I was arching my back; I hear that I'm standing up straight! We'll see how that goes. Happy Canada Day, everyone!
Saturday, 30 June 2012
State of the Garden
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Raindrops Keep Fallin'
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
45 Trips
Monday, 18 June 2012
Our Callie
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
We visited northern WA this past weekend and had difficulty both entering and leaving the U.S. This is the first time we've had an experience like this. Of course it was very easy to re-enter Canada, especially now that we can spend a fortune in another country with only a 24 hour visit. We had to have our camper van x-rayed to leave the U.S. and wondered why there seemed to be a Red Alert out in a small border community south of Christina Lake, B.C. Anyone know anything we don't know?
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Ride A Bike Week
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
The Base and the Pyramid
We're not in the habit of posting pictures of our grandchildren over the internet so I'll just have to tell readers that Andrea and I decided on Monday that Miro, our gymnast, is going to be the top of the pyramid while Atley will definitely be the base. He has a stocky build and the other day, in his diaper, lifting a bag of seasame seeds, he reminded me very much of someone training for Sumo wrestling. Miro, the wiry guy, can move his body in amazing ways. I hope they will support each other throughout life as base, middle and top of the pyramid!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Steve's Wonders
Just finished the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson and I'd highly recommend it as a good read. I haven't had much experience with Apple Computers except when the schools all purchased Apple II's back in the 1980's and I had to learn a few things about them! My next experience was in the Isle of Man when I was given a laptop computer to use and it was made by Apple. I found it a bit frustrating, but I knew that I'd never want to live without a laptop again (and I haven't). It surprised me to realize how recently so much of Apple technology has taken over the world. I still use a Windows computer, but I have to say that I absolutely love my ipod and I'm grateful that Jobs gave up enough control of that device to allow it to be sold to the entire world. And yeah, the Shuffle feature is my favourite part of the whole thing. Jobs was an amazing talent - I'd have hated to know him, I'm sure, but I like lots of things that he designed. Thanks, Steve, for some of those brilliant devices you helped to develop and thanks to Walter Isaacson for a compelling read.
Monday, 14 May 2012
First Mother's Day as Grandma!
There seemed to be so many CBC programs about mothering this year as the Sunday of Mother's Day approached. Since I've become reacquainted with motherhood by becoming a grandmother, I do reflect on some of the changes that have occurred in the past 30 years. To my mind, babies have to be much more comfortable than back in the 70's and 80's. The diapers absorb so much more liquid, the clothes are much warmer and the strollers, bedding, and chairs are all built for comfort! I don't know why no one thought about those basic facts before. But then the '80's were so much into "stuff", I guess it's not surprising that consumerism for babies won out. So the comfort thing is a bit of a mixed blessing. Enjoyed a 5 km run with my daughter and the boys - Andrea took the chariot and still managed to place second her age category. I was the only entry in age 60 plus (women) so got another first place! We had a lovely dinner out while Dad and Grampa looked after the boys. Happy Mother's Day, Mums in my world!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
This is our first greenhouse, created by Dave. We're going to try it out on a smallish size and see how well it works in our limited "good sun". We went crazy and I seeded some more lettuce in a tray and Dave planted dozens of seeds to come up in pots. It's gardening time and we're glad that it's finally here!
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Liberty Auto
Readers will realize that we spent a few days in Page, AZ. One place we did get to know was Liberty Auto, which we spied on our arrival and it was recommended to us by a guy Dave talked to on the street. It sort of surprised me that we had to wait over 24 hours for a "new" (rebuilt) transmission to arrive from Phoenix (this is the USA after all) but the problem was quickly diagnosed and we were able to use our vehicle. We would crawl from Page out to Wawheep to camp and didn't have to travel on major roads except to cross Glen Canyon Dam where the speed limit was 25 mph. We could drive that fast and use reverse. On Wednesday, the part arrived and our vehicle was out of use. Unfortunately, part of the "new" transmission didn't work and they had told us we'd be on our way on Wed. p.m. That didn't happen. I can't think of many garages that would put you up in a motel for the night, but Liberty Auto did that. It wasn't the greatest motel (right next door to the garage), but it was handy and we did have a chance to have a shower and watch TV (ugh!). They'd come up with a plan for the van and said they'd try to have us moving by noon on Thursday and that deadline was met. I have to say Thanks, Liberty Auto - you served us well.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Page Public Library
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Lake Powell
Monday, 23 April 2012
Glen Canyon
Thursday, 19 April 2012
The Sunsets
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
The Highline in NYC
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