On the heli ride in, the toilets were the first thing that I spotted! The hut is also very visible in our 3.5 minute ride from the FS road to the Conrad Kain Hut. Dave spent the first day with the crew helping to load the "barrels" to fly down to a pumper truck. As an ACC friend in Saskatoon used to say, "now the shit's really flying!"
I do have to give a word of complaint about the Hut bathrooms, however. This hut had a "urine only" toilet very close to the hut and it was fine although if it's icy, one has only to misstep and have a pretty dramatic ride down a mountain. When a rope has to be attached to the hut for people to get out to the bathroom, I think some serious rethinking needs to be done. At least here, women could use this toilet. At the Neil Cogan Hut, women had to brace the winds along a narrow ledge out to the bathroom - I carried in a litre of wine to that hut which I never did drink so I didn't have to use the bathroom!
The picture here is the sh** toilet used by both sexes. I do love the roofline! Again, we had to amble our way through ice, snow and creeks to get to this place of business. The good thing was the absence of cliffs leading to the abyss. The ACC is very generous about flying in lots of wine and beer to keep its crews amused in the evenings, but these trips to the bathroom really put a damper on the whole thing. Maybe its just my age showing!