This picture wasn't taken today but it is taken from the Kaslo River Trail. Yes, the Trailblazers are at it again. I went to my first work party along the trail, clearing up the brush that has been cut down along the path. It was lovely to hear the Kaslo River in the background but I did get a taste of every type of weather - and yes, even a few flakes of snow.
In the afternoon, I traipsed off with the Wednesday Walkers and we headed uphill from Upper Kaslo and we had a taste of everything weather-wise. We hiked in falling snow, beautiful sunshine and a few windy squalls. I didn't take the camera with me so no new pictures for the post. On the bike ride home the aroma of the swamp lanterns was prevalent and it sure was nice to see those cheerful, yellow flowers. We saw several alpine plants on our walk, always understated, but still signs of spring. It was hard to tell whether today was a winter or a spring day but I guess that's what I get for travelling to Upper Kaslo on April 30th!