Yesterday I went to play bridge at the Nelson Senior's Centre. The cost was 25 cents! However, I was told that I could only be a guest 3 times at the Centre and then would have to take out a membership. Am I really ready for a Senior's Club membership at age 56?
My bridge partner Sue and I played the first four hands together as partners and subsequent hands were played with different partners. Generally, the level of play was quite poor and I was pleased that I could see many of the errors in discards and in defensive play. It made me feel like a "good" player. A total of 17 hands were played and with my usual, recent card luck, I got to be Declarer on 2 out of the 17 hands. My pre-emptive 3Club bid went down one and I might have been able to make it if I hadn't gambled on the finesse working. The other hand went very well and I must say it's the first time I've been raised in my opening suit (a 5-card major) when my partner only had the King in that suit. Poor defensive play by the opponents did get me to successfully win an overtrick.
The people were friendly and there wasn't too much shouting for others to be heard. I do think Seniors could benefit from the bidding boxes that Duplicate players use, however - between hearing and memory they are pretty useful reminders. We stopped for tea part way through the afternoon and for $1 we had ice cream, cookies and tea/coffee. Isn't this the biggest bargain going?
Yesterday afternoon did remind me that I really do prefer duplicate bridge and more competetive play. I'm sure that Lorne and Hugh can go home after our play and shake their heads at all my obvious errors. I always learn something during a game of bridge and yesterday was no exception. And don't you agree, economically, it's got to be the best deal in B.C.?